
not 10th street green

the thought to produce a blog to chronicle my time through kidney failure and (hopefully) transplantation has been a heavy one. ive attempted to encourage myself, while listening to the encouragement of others, off and on again really since january 2010 after my triple bypass. but lets be honest, who wants to read a long, if optimistic, journey through what is basically medical repair? so when dialysis rolled around there were a million questions being asked...many of them time and time again (occasionally by the same people, over and over again)...and i decided to start a blog. a sort of communication hub, but without the medically centered 'caring bridge' themes. i wanted to be able to write about the whole of my experience not just the results of my latest failed platelet test. organ failure and repair, or replacement or machine take over, etc can be a pretty life changing experience.

it has taken me just about two months to become comfortable with sharing most of these experiences. i have realized that i do not have enough time or energy to call or write absolutely everyone. and i hope this blog can serve to keep those of you that i dont speak to on a regular basis as up to date as the rest of my folks.

i have spent the past two weeks or so trying to figure out what the perfect first post would be. while my new station in life has taught me many virtues, apparently getting rid of perfectionism is not one of them. i will leave you now after this brief introduction and statement of purpose.  plenty of posts to go up over the next few weeks. updates on my experiences in dialysis, my present kidney standing, information on biopsies and if i'm feeling jovial...perhaps even a few non health related stories. you know, ive been known to speak on politics and religion, too...

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